Friday, January 13, 2017

Your best DIY cookbook

We all have our own organization for our recipes. Most of my recipes are printed off of the internet. I figured out the best way to organize them that doersn't require writing them out. I bought one of those photo albums that have clear plastic sheets over each page. I was able to find one at the Habitat Resale shop for like a dollar. Cut out the recipe you want to save. Add any notes for how you changed the recipe. Lift the plastic sheet in the book, position the recipe and lay the plastic sheet over it. This keeps them neatly organized. I organize in sections with blank pages between for expansion. Entrees and then desserts. I eventually got a second book for desserts because this method works so well. If you spill on the recipe while cooking you can just wipe it off. The book can be stored with your other recipe books. Ideal!! If you have a small kitchen like me buying a used music stand to put your recipe book on and placing in a doorway while cooking allows you to reserve all countertop space for creating your culinary masterpieces. Happy cooking!!!