Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Make your own pocket tissue pouch

We all have those frugal pet peeves. The things that even though they may be cheap... we know that they are way overpriced and it bugs us. One of the things that bugs me are the pocket or purse size tissues. I can get three name brand packets for only $1 at the dollar store which seems cheap until you realize that there are only 10 tissues per pack. So you are paying $1 for 30 tissues or 3.3 cents each. I can get three big boxes of the same name brand at Target for $5.99 for 480 tissues or 1.2 cents each. That is a considerable markup for a flimsy, single use plastic pouch. But if you have kids or work with kids those packets are super useful when you see a runny nose. So here is my easy, basically free solution. First get 10-15 tissues. Fold each one longways then do a trifold like a wallet. They need to be folded individually. If you try to do the whole stack you won't be able to pull them out of the pouch without ripping. Make a neatish stack. Next take some pretty and lightweight scrap fabric. Cut out a rectangle that will wrap around your little pile of tissues. Make a hem on either end. Next, wrong sides together, you want to wrap around your pile so the hemmed ends overlap a bit. Pin both hemmed ends together. Sew both non-hemmed ends with a zigzag stitch. Turn inside out and insert your pile of tissues. Took me maybe 2 minutes to fold the tissues and a half hour to sew 2 pouches. Could also be cute in a get well basket! Much prettier than the plastic pouches and one third the price!

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