Monday, April 17, 2017

Reuse tiles for garden border

Super simple tip of the day! I wanted a border between my flower bed and my grass primarily so I will know when one is encroaching on the other. I hate how those plastic ones look and they seem unwieldy to install. I like to reuse or repurpose things instead of buying new so after perusing the local Habitat Restore I came up with the solution to use old tiles. I simply bought a bunch in cream to light pink colors at $.05 each. I used a hand trowel after a light rain to insert them on their corners halfway buried. I did this last fall and only needed to rebury a couple over the winter that had come out. They are on a slight hill so while the backs show some dirt the fronts stay fairly clean. I think it looks so much prettier that plastic and I didn't have any breakage from freezing this winter. Cheap, pretty and serves their purpose! If I do this again I will try to find more colorful ones and do a pattern.

Reuse birdseed bags into hiking or biking bag

You know those birdseed bags that are like woven plastic cloth (called woven polypropylene)? I wanted a bag to carry my phone, keys and water bottle when I go hiking or biking and so I came up with this. Is it particularly attractive??? No. But super useful for carrying and waterproof if I get caught in the rain! I first cut out enough of the bag to easily fit around the water bottle. I sewed this wrong sides together into a tube shape. I folded up the bottom and hand-sewed it shut with a curved tapestry needle. Next I made the straps by using a zigzag stitch on strips that I folded in half. I measured it so the water bottle would be at hip level. I hand sewed some hair elastics to either side of the bag and then looped the straps through and sewed them this allows the bottle to pivot easily in the straps as I walk or bike. Next I made a simple pouch for my phone with a flap that comes down and over. I cut a rectangle out of the middle top of the pouch so that when I open the flap I can easily get the phone out. I sewed velcro to either side of the triangle and the soft velcro part to the flap. This will protect it from getting wet. I then sewed this pouch onto the water bottle holder down the middle of the back of the pouch using the curved needle again by hand. Almost done! Next I sewed the sides of a triangle together to make a cone with another flap on top to close. This is to hold my keys. I sewed velcro onto the outside of the cone and the inside of the flap so my keys will also stay dry. I sewed this cone onto the other side of the water bottle holder. Done!! My only suggestion is to use perhaps metal rings or multiple elastics for the loops that the straps go through. One hair elastic doesn't look like it will be strong enough. Happy sustainable hiking and biking!!

Grow your own cat grass

If you have a cat, you likely know their penchant for chomping on houseplants. I just tried growing a pot of cat grass and it was so easy I am now starting trays for all my friends and family that have cats. To start, just cut down a waterproof container to a few inches deep or use a pot that you have sitting around. I cut the top parts off an almond milk container and a pint of ice cream. Put in soil to near the top. Add the seeds to the top (I used oats from my local Farm Service bulk seed section. They were $.50 a lb. You could also use wheat or rye seed). Give it enough water to feel moist but not saturated. Cover with a clear plastic bag to keep the moisture in. Look daily to be sure the dirt still appears moist (again not wet). Add a few sprinkles of water if it looks dry. Mine took 3 days to sprout. Once it sprouts you can take off the plastic bag and within two more days it was as high as you see in the picture. I just used old potting soil and reused containers so it cost maybe $.05 for the seeds. You routinely see these at pet stores for $5 or more. My cat nibbles on it whenever he passes it and started chomping as soon as I gave it to him! Also makes a great gift for cat lovers!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Check out these three new Thank You cards! Just paper, an old book and colored pencils.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Tea for a song!

It is cold. You want some nice hot tea to warm you up and feel all cultured! Most tea is extremely cheap. What you are paying for is the tea bag. Forget the tea bag and cut your price by probably 90%. Get thee to your local health food store that has bulk spices and such. Find the loose tea. My store had probably 15-20 types to choose from. Most women I know probably have 50 tea bags of questionable vintage at any given time. That's because you might want to try a new type but that means buying 10 or 20 teabags. Then next month you want to try another kind leading to another 10-20 teabags. Buying it loose means you just buy the amount you feel you will use in the next 6 months or a year. Tonight I decided to try two new kinds. I got enough for perhaps 7 or 8 cups of each and spent a grand total of $.38. Give the interesting sounding varieties a whiff and if they appeal to you buy as much or little as you want. You just need a reusable tea ball or other delivery device. This costs a few dollars and if you drink much tea it will pay for itself in no time! It also allows you to control the strength of your tea unlike a one size tea bag. In hot weather you can also brew a very strong cup and once steeped you can pour it over ice water to make equally inexpensive iced tea. No more bottles of store bought iced tea!!! Total waste of money! You can also make your own tea bags using coffee filters that you sew shut with cotton thread on the sewing machine (cute gift!). But can't really get easier than a tea ball. If you want to get REALLY creative you can even make your own tea blends by combining favorite kinds or adding a dash of cinnamon, rosehips, ginger or lemongrass. Now get steeping!