Sunday, February 21, 2010

a few favorite frugal websites (say that 10 times fast)

I can not take full credit for all my mad frugal and environmentally friendly skills. Here is where I get my online help.
This site has reviews of products like consumer reports but the reviews are by actual owners of the product. Useful for making the best purchasing decisions on both the big items (which car to buy) and small items (do those glade pet hair rollers really work and can they be jerry-rigged for multiple use). You can also add your own reviews which is very therapeutic for both wonderful purchases and things you bought that turned out to be pieces of crap. Producers of pieces of crap feel my wrath!... verbally.
Best for frugality and the environment is your local library for all your book needs but sometimes a book is soooooo good (Jane Austen, Charles Dickens) and you know you will read or refer to it sooooo many times (cookbooks) that you must own it. Go to (owned by ebay) for great deals on used and some new books. Buying used instead of new is always friendly for the environment and your wallet. You can also sell the books on here that you no longer use. Fatten your wallet while that bound dustcatcher gets a loving new home.
If it were possible to love a website so much that you could marry it (circa 3rd grade) I would be happily married to allrecipes. Tons of recipes but they also thought of every helpful tool in the book. Having 30 people over for pumpkin pancakes? Tap a few keys and your recipe automatically converts to ingredient list for 30 servings! Nutrition information, metric conversion, but most helpful is the number of stars people give the recipes and their reviews and feedback on it. Also earning the star of total awesomeness is the ingredient search. You have 3/4's of a tub of sour cream left over after making brownies to mail off to your favorite frugal maven??? Put "sour cream" in the ingredient search and get a whole list of recipes that includes sour cream. No more science experiments growing in various tubs in the fridge!!! Frugal (check), Less wasteful thus environmentally friendly (check).

Happy hunting!

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