Got a fireplace? Got pine sap, bark and sawdust on your coat from carrying in armfulls of wood with a trail of sticks and bark behind you that would make Hansel and Gretal proud? If you have an old pair of jeans and a sewing machine you will no longer have to wear your badge of firewood toting honor down your front. Cut the legs off the jeans and cut open each leg near the inseam. Sew the wide end of the open legs together with a several rows of zigzag stitching. This needs to be strong since this is where most of the weight of the wood will rest. Take a wooden dowel like you would use for hanging clothes in a closet or an equally thick branch and cut it so you have 2 pieces of wood about 2 feet long. At either end of your now sewn together jeans cut out a rectangle out of the middle. Sew up each end so the dowel fits through and the cut out rectangle allows space for your hand to grasp the dowels directly. Slip in dowels. Carry your new tote outside, lay it on the ground and put in a bunch of wood. Pick up with the handles you cut out, holding on to the dowels and skip back to the house with your now contained load of wood. Beautiful? Hell No! Practical? Absolutely!
2017 update! I'm still using this exact same tote. Has worked great and held up beautifully!
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