Tired of looking like a zombie as you get off the plane after a long flight? I have a handy bag of airplane sleep supplies that I take with me on all plane trips.
Item 1: Blow up neck cushion
Item 2: foam earplugs
Item 3: my homemade eye cover/sleeper's mask/ fancy blindfold
To make your own sleep mask take a middle sized scrap of medium to lightweight fabric and fold it in half longways. Cut out a rectangle that will fit across the front of your face. Cut a narrow triangle out of the middle for your nose. Put wrong sides together and sew up 3 of 4 sides. Turn right side out. If you want to get extra fancy get some dried lavender flowers or rose flowers from the bulk spice section of your local health food store and drop some of that in then sew the remaining side up. Last just sew on a ribbon across the top of the back so you can tie that puppy on around your head. I also made a little bag out of the same material to store it in. You may look like a dork on the plane as you're getting your beauty sleep but I'll take being conscious for the first day of my vacation to looking normal to everyone making their way down the aisle to the cramped airplane bathroom. Added bonus - sends a definite message to any Chatty Cathy you have the bad luck to be seated next too. Double added bonus - you have a blindfold ready to go for your next pin the tail on the donkey game. Also makes a good gift for people who travel a lot and aren't too vain.
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