Monday, March 29, 2010

Book It!

When you think of the best place to get a bargain in town you may think of your favorite discount retailer, consignment shop or thrift store but actually the best deals in town are at your local library. You can get any book you want generally, either from their shelves or they can order it for you from another library. They also have magazines, newspapers, music CDs and DVDs to check out for free and programs for all members of the family that are also free. Don't forget about your friendly local librarian who can act as free book recommender and fact bloodhound if you have a question. Going on vacation with the kids and dreading the endless arguments that erupt in the back seat? Go to the library to pick up some books on CD to keep the kids occupied. The library is an ideal place to get books you think you will only read once or twice and it can allow you to give other books or magazines test drives before you decide to buy them (i.e. cookbooks). So bike on over to your local library and explore all the good deals that they happily offer.

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